The concept of supercontinent was first proposed by the Alfred Wegener (His full name is Alfred-Lothar-Wegener) in the year of 1912. He was born on 1 November 1880. He is a German polar researcher, Geophysicist, and Meteorologist. The reason behind he proposed this concept is he found some fossil's which lived on the earth. In all the continents but the distance between the continents are so long. That is the reason he proposed his concept of continental drift. This continental drift was controversial and not widely accepted because he did not prove that how the continents are moved due to this reason every not accepted until the 1950's. After tectonic plates was discovered based on this tectonic plates the continents are moved. now we assume that how the modern continents was placed.
Every 300-500 Million years the supercontinent was formed. In 300 Million years ago one supercontinent was formed it was named as PANGAEA. The word PANGAEA derived from Ancient Greek PAN means(all, entire, whole) and GAEA means (Mother Earth, land). Before PANGAEA there also supercontinent are formed.
Name |
Age Of Content |
Ur(Vaalbara) |
3600-2800 Million Years |
Kenorland |
2700-2100 Million Years |
Protopanagea-Paleopanagea |
2700-2600 Million Years |
Columbia(Nuna) |
1800-1500 Million Years |
Rodinia |
1250-750 Million Years |
Pannonia |
600 Million Years |
300 Million Years |
At the time of PANGAEA, all the earlier continents are assembled and formed as SuperContinent.It
is the last supercontinent. Africa continent is the mother of all the continents. Because the first forme
continent on the earth is Africa. The world's oldest GRANITE MOUNTAIN was found in Africa it was formed with minerals like LEAD, IRON, etc.
After 175 Million Years the continents are separated from each other. The North American continent is separated from Europe continent now also we can see that where Europe and American separated in ICELAND.
Continental divided between North America and Iceland |
The South American continent is separated from the African continent. Indian continent is separated from African continent it moves nearly 2 meters speed in one year. Australia was separated from Africa continent. After 50 Million years ago Indian continent collides with the Asian continent. At that time the world largest mountains HIMALAYAS was formed.
When the South America continent collides with North American Continent then GRAND-CANYON was formed. The GRAND-CANYON Mountain is the best place for research on Geophysics. At the top of this mountains, we will found the fossils which are lived on the earth before these continents collide with each other. The GRAND-CANYON we can observe that it contains different layers. They specify that how the earth will be changed from the beginning of the earth. For researchers it best place to research on the earth.
Now we have the supercontinent which is named as EURASIA. It is located between Europe, ASIA, and AFRICA. At present Australia is moving 1.2 meters every year to its north. From the last 22 years, it moves 5 -feet. After 50 Million years Australia collides with SouthEast-Asia.After 100 Million years Africa continent collides with Europe Continent and formed the world's largest mountains which are named as MADETARIN mountain.175 million year's after The America continent again collide with African Continent. And After 200 million year's the earth Geographically changed while comparing to now. And again the supercontinent was formed and it is named as Pangaea Ultima.
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