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                                           ALIEN                                          "ALIEN" is a Extraterrestrial life which may occur outside of the earth. Why we are named Extraterrestrial life as Alien is because the word Alien describes a foreigners that mean's they are outsiders. The word Alien is not new to human's in the history so many ancient civilizations mentioned that Extraterrestrial people visited the earth in their books and painting's but no one knows it is true or not there are so many questions about Aliens. The information in this post is what i'm thinking i don't say it was correct but it was my perspective.             1) The Existence of ALIEN Civilization  :-                                                  The Extraterrestrial life (Alien Civilization) is not exited for now it is just assumption but we are thinking that there may be a chance for existence of life in other planets some where else in the universe. 2 )   ALIENS