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Showing posts from December, 2016

Dark matter

Dark matter  is an unidentified type of matter  distinct from dark energy ,  baryonic matter  (ordinary matter),  and neutrinos . It comprises approximately 27% of the  mass and energy  in the   observable universe .  The name refers to the fact that it does not emit or interact with electromagnetic radiation , such as light, and is thus invisible to the entire electromagnetic spectrum .  Although dark matter has not been directly observed, its existence and properties are inferred from its gravitational effects such as the motions of visible matter, gravitational lensing , its influence on the universe's large-scale structure , and its effects in the cosmic microwave background . Dark matter is transparent to    electromagnetic radiation  and/or is so dense and small that it fails to absorb or emit enough radiation to be detectable with current imaging technology.                                  Estimates of masses for galaxies and larger structures via dynamical and