Maglev trains need cost Expensive infrastructure. That is nothing but it wants high-power supply and copper coils.To reduce these things the new transpotation technology is developed by SPACEX organization.It is low-cost and it is very faster in speed while comapre to Maglev tarins. This technology is named as HyperLoop.The speed of this hyper loop is 1200 km/h. The reason behind they named this to HyperLoop is train travel in the tube's.All the infrastructure which is needed to this technology is placed in tubes.The first Hyper Loop preliminary design was released in the year of 2013 between Los Angeles to San Francisco area.In the year of 2016 MAY 13 it was successfully tested in Nevada(USA). HYPER LOOP Now so many of the countries were proposing this Hyper Loop technology.The European routes was put forward in JANUARY 2016 Between Amsterdam to Paris notional
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